All posts by bullseyerulez

A Call to Arms

As we enter an unprecedented time, in our generation, social distancing has changed the very fabric of our lives. A quick search for Disneyland Parks on Youtube reveals a generation of people who Vlog their plans, trips and even their souvenir hauls. The impact of closing Disneyland Paris and Disney Parks around the world is felt by people, far and wide.

A trip to Disneyland Paris is not just a holiday, for many it is what justifies those long sometimes unhappy hours at work. A trip to Disneyland Paris is not just a jolley, for many it is months of saving every penny, turning down luxuries in the hope of a wondrous few days. Disneyland Paris is not just a theme park, for many it is the escape they need from the mental exhaustion of daily life. 

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Mickey’s Gift Signature Experiences

They say that money can’t buy you love but at Disneyland Paris you can try to buy the love of friends and family, with the new Mickey’s Gift Signature Experiences.

Since Disney has taken over full control of the Disneyland Paris, the main objective has been to make the park profitable. Years of underinvestment has meant Paris was always seen as the poor cousin of the American based parks. So much so, it started to become a family tradition to guess how many Dumbos would be broken on each visit. It was always fun hearing parents trying to explain why each Dumbo was broken, maybe they are sleeping or maybe they lost their fairy dust.

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Café des Cascadeurs – Our View

This American Diner really highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the Studio park. The theming here is great as a classic American diner and stepping inside makes you feel like you have walked back in time. However, its surroundings are not themed, as the building is placed out of the way in the Backlot. The same could be said of many of the attractions in this park, wonderfully themed rides in themselves but no real theming outside to link everything together. Continue reading Café des Cascadeurs – Our View

Imagineering a Disneyland Park Expansion


With the Walt Disney Company taking full control of Disneyland Paris it has allowed us all to dream about what could happen to our beloved park. Disney are not afraid to spend money to improve the experience for their guests. They have succeeded in turning a park which had been critised by fans, Disney’s California Adventure Park, into a park now celebrated by many. In particular, many people see the Cars Land in DCA as the best and most immersive land Disney has ever created.

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How to avoid queues at Disneyland Paris

For many people, the idea of long queues and high ticket prices are enough to stop them from experiencing the magic of Disneyland Paris. So it made me wonder, is it possible to spend a day at the parks avoiding long queues.

To do this I have set myself some ground rules

  • I will aim to spend my day at Disneyland Park
  • Consider the whole day, including getting into the parks and leaving at the end of the day
  • Shops and restaurants are included not just attractions as you need to queue to pay
  • Even toilet breaks need to be considered (this can be the most frustrating queue of the day for many!)
  • Assume it is a typical park day, it would be easy to tell people to visit off season but this simply isn’t an option for many families
  • Finally, waiting anymore than 10 minutes would be considered a queue

Will this be possible, I am excited to use this blog to explore this theory

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