Category Archives: Disneyland Park

Top 5 Thrill Rides at Disneyland Park

When people think of Disney Parks, images of Mickey, Minnie and friends lead many people to assume that Disney is just for children. However while Disney veterans would agree that Disney is for kids it also has an appeal for us big kids too!

Walt was quick to recognise in the early days of Disneyland, California, that those small kids they aimed the park at quickly turned into teens who are looking for something different from their visit to a Disney Park. This led Disney to start to develop thrill rides to sit alongside their family orientated attractions. Guests at Disneyland Paris have been fortunate to benefit from everything that Imagineers learnt in developing the American parks. This means Disneyland Paris is home to some of the most thrilling rides of any Disney Park across the world. Here is our top 5 to look out for on a visit.

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Queues – a blog worth waiting for

People around the world are currently in lockdown, due to Coronavirus, which comes with many challenges. Entertaining the whole family, teaching nan how to Facetime and for any primary school parents, working out what on earth phonics are. Faced with little prospect of current restrictions ending anytime soon, the dream of a future Disney trip offers a ray of hope in these dark times. But how will that trip to the Happiest Place on Earth look in the future?

Disney parks are full of wonderous attractions but each one of these comes with a design flaw never mentioned in the glossy adverts, the queue. Unfortunately, the better the attraction the more people who flock to it. Rarely do the aspirational TV spots show wait times of over 2 hours, which for many rides are not uncommon.

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A Call to Arms

As we enter an unprecedented time, in our generation, social distancing has changed the very fabric of our lives. A quick search for Disneyland Parks on Youtube reveals a generation of people who Vlog their plans, trips and even their souvenir hauls. The impact of closing Disneyland Paris and Disney Parks around the world is felt by people, far and wide.

A trip to Disneyland Paris is not just a holiday, for many it is what justifies those long sometimes unhappy hours at work. A trip to Disneyland Paris is not just a jolley, for many it is months of saving every penny, turning down luxuries in the hope of a wondrous few days. Disneyland Paris is not just a theme park, for many it is the escape they need from the mental exhaustion of daily life. 

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Mickey’s Gift Signature Experiences

They say that money can’t buy you love but at Disneyland Paris you can try to buy the love of friends and family, with the new Mickey’s Gift Signature Experiences.

Since Disney has taken over full control of the Disneyland Paris, the main objective has been to make the park profitable. Years of underinvestment has meant Paris was always seen as the poor cousin of the American based parks. So much so, it started to become a family tradition to guess how many Dumbos would be broken on each visit. It was always fun hearing parents trying to explain why each Dumbo was broken, maybe they are sleeping or maybe they lost their fairy dust.

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How do you solve a problem like Discoveryland?

The problem with the future is that no one knows what is going to happen. When Walt Disney was dreaming up Tomorrowland he was living in an era where the genre of science fiction was capturing the imagination of the public. However, the problem with this land is that it can become quickly outdated, that being a criticism often thrown at the American parks.

When designing Disneyland Paris, imagineers believed they solved this problem by creating a land based on the Jules Verne vision of the future, which they called Discoveryland. This would make the land timeless, as it would capture the essence of Tomorrowland but has a design that will last the test of time. However, as we draw closer to the 30th Anniversary of the park, has Discoveryland lost its way?

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