Disney Studios Park


In 2002 the second theme park at Disneyland Paris resort was opened. This park was called Walt Disney Studios and was created to celebrate everything movie and animation related. Considerably smaller than the original Disneyland Park this second park seemed more of an add-on than a destination in its own right when first opened.

As with the Disneyland Park, Walt Disney Studios is split into defined areas: Front Lot, Place de la Remy, Toy Story Playland, Production Courtyard, Toon Studio and Backlot. The Walt Disney Studios park has some great attractions and is definitely worth a visit.


Select your land to explore below:

Front_Lot_logo.svg Production_Courtyard_logo.svg

Toon_Studio_logo.svg 3270950756_1_2_97nIY9Wo

Toy_Story_Playland_logo.svg ratatouille-logo

Concept Art for Walt Disney Studios 2Bn Euro expansion – First Look:

Walt Disney Studios Concept Art.jpg

Recently Disney has announced a major expansion of the park and this will add a tremendous amount of space and a great selection of new attractions which will compliment the park. New areas include a Frozen themed land with a large lake, Star Wars Galaxies Edge (although slightly smaller version than the one currently being built in Florida) and a redevelopment of the Back lot areas into a Marvel themed land. More info to come so follow our Blogs and Twitter to keep updated.

Bringing you the Magic of Disneyland Resort Paris