Tag Archives: Walt Disney Studios

Queues – a blog worth waiting for

People around the world are currently in lockdown, due to Coronavirus, which comes with many challenges. Entertaining the whole family, teaching nan how to Facetime and for any primary school parents, working out what on earth phonics are. Faced with little prospect of current restrictions ending anytime soon, the dream of a future Disney trip offers a ray of hope in these dark times. But how will that trip to the Happiest Place on Earth look in the future?

Disney parks are full of wonderous attractions but each one of these comes with a design flaw never mentioned in the glossy adverts, the queue. Unfortunately, the better the attraction the more people who flock to it. Rarely do the aspirational TV spots show wait times of over 2 hours, which for many rides are not uncommon.

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Pimp my Ride Series: 1. Crush’s Coaster

As part of Project Sparkle Disney has been working through its major attractions and updating them with modern technology and extra magic touches. This new Blog series will look at rides that could have been next in line and examines what Disney could do to make them sparkle. First for the Pimp my Ride treatment is Crush’s Coaster.

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Should Pixar Land come to Disneyland Paris?

With the opening of Pixar Pier and the recent success of Incredibles 2, it is clear that people of all ages love Pixar. They are the masters of making a film that is enjoyable for kids but offers emotion and depth to adults. The flashback scene of Jessie being forgotten by her owner in Toy Story 2 always draws a tear for me.

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Bistro Chez Remy Review

IMG_0481DLP Genie Rating: 4/5

Anyone who has been a long standing visitor to Disneyland Paris Resort understands how amazing theming is around the Disneyland Park. From Main street USA to the pirate themed Adventureland the Disneyland Park is immersive and quite frankly….amazing. The Walt Disney Studios park on the other hand was a little plain and well….boring in comparison. This started to change with the construction of The Twilight Tower of Terror, the Toy Story themed zone and ultimately the newest addition…Place de la Remy. This newest part of the park is undoubtably one of the nicest and best themed parts of the park. It only contains one ride, one shop and one restaurant; Bistro Chez Remy Continue reading Bistro Chez Remy Review

Season of the Force review at Disneyland Paris

For Star Wars fans the world over Disneyland Paris has a special treat for you…. Season of the Force! This Star Wars themed event runs from January to March 2017.

The promo ads run on British TV have given the impression that by visiting Disney Studios Park at the Disneyland Paris Resort you will be transported to a galaxy far far away. Media shows the #FaceTheForce as a way to share your experiences with the rest of the galaxy. Continue reading Season of the Force review at Disneyland Paris